The Christian Friendship Fellowship is a non-profit-making registered charity which provides a specialised ministry and outreach for the advancement of the Christian religion amongst single persons and any dependants of theirs. "Single persons" are those of marriageable age who have never been married. widows or widowers, those who have been divorced or those whose marriage has been annulled and those at present living apart from their spouse.
What do we do?
The list of activities is endless, but all are arranged through local CFF groups and include such things as Bible studies, Bring and Share meals (also called "Pot Luck Suppers"), coffee evenings, meals out, praise and worship times, rambles and visiting places.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, groups stopped meeting in March 2020, but they have now restarted.
The CFF began an online Bible Study on Saturday 4th July 2020 via “ZOOM” for any single people wanting to know more about the Christian faith. It is still continuing, and usually takes place on the first Saturday of every month from 7.30pm – 8.45 or so.
Now that people are able to go on holiday again, however, instead of keeping going during July and August there is a break then. The Bible Studies resumed in September 2024. The next CFF Bible Study by Zoom will be on Saturday 5th April 2025.
The meeting opens with a time of worship, then after the opening prayer there is the Bible Study with a closing prayer. After that members are put in breakout rooms to chat before the meeting is ended. Each session will be limited to the first 100 people who reply.
To ask to join in, please send your request to
David Lowe, founder of the CFF, started it in an informal way in 1976, and as the group structure evolved, many groups sprang up and multiplied till there was a network of groups all over the UK.
But times have changed. As the internet has developed, with many opportunities for keeping in touch or meeting new people that way, prospective members have become less keen to join groups, and so numbers have declined. Since groups were not allowed to meet during the Covid pandemic, many groups struggled to restart afterwards, and as group leaders are now very much in the older age bracket with very few (if any) young people in groups, the Trustees – who are also getting older and have volunteered their time freely for (mostly) over 13 years – have decided that the 50th anniversary of the CFF in August 2026 will be an appropriate date to close it. For many years the CFF has fulfilled its purpose, and now following its lead, other Christian groups are offering the opportunity for Christians to be together – but through meet-ups organised online. So the Trustees reckon the CFF has been successful in its mission.
If existing group members still wish to meet after August 2026, either on a regular or an ad hoc basis, this would be perfectly possible, but they would no longer be a “CFF Group” as the CFF would be dissolved by the Charity Commission and its assets given to a similar charity. There will, however, be an AGM in August 2025, and a final one in August 2026, after which the CFF will close.
After the August 2026 AGM there will be no more opportunities for people to connect with the CFF with a view to joining a group, nor will there be any further CFF Bible Studies by Zoom. But until the August 2026 AGM the CFF will continue to run as before.
The Trustees appreciate that many people will be disappointed by this decision, but it has not been taken lightly.
How do I find out more information till August 2026?
To find out more about the CFF, please ring 0141 334 0009 between 9.30am and 2pm or between 6 and 10pm. An answerphone is available between those times to leave a message if there is no reply, and callers who leave a number will be contacted as soon as possible. Please do not ring - even to leave a message - between 2 and 6pm. Thanks. Or fill in the contact form on the website and an email reply will be sent as soon as possible.
Background to the CFF
The object of the CFF is the advancement of the Christian religion amongst single people and any dependants of theirs. Single people are those who have never been married, or are widows or widowers, those who have been divorced or whose marriage has been annulled and those at present living apart from their spouse.
Corporate Information
The Christian Friendship Fellowship was established in 1976 and operates as a registered charity under number 327940. It provides a specialised ministry and outreach in the United Kingdom for the advancement of the Christian religion amongst single persons and any dependants of theirs.
Joining CFF
As membership has now been devolved to local groups, please see the information in the box under the "Join Us" tab at the left-hand side for contact details.
Thank you for using the website. We are always looking to improve it and would appreciate feedback or photographs of local groups and CFF events. Please send them by email to